C3 Christmas Hampers
Each year C3 Cheltenham raises money to buy food to fill Christmas Food Hampers. These hampers are then given to people and families in and around Cheltenham and Gloucester, who are in need over the Christmas period.
Each hamper cost around £60 to put together and we aim to put together at least 55 hampers.
How can I help?
There are several ways you can help with the Christmas Hampers, from making a monetary donation, being a shopper for items we need, to helping wrap, pack and deliver the hampers.
Shopping for food items
Join our team of people who shop for specific food items that go in the hampers.
Each week we research what items may be on offer from the various large supermarkets, an then we would message you to go and purchase 55 of these items. Keep your receipts and you will be reimbursed for your spending.
If you can help with the shopping, please email Dawn - dawn@ccccheltenham.org.uk
Hamper Packing
Once all the food has been bought, it is time to put together the 55 hampers, ready to be delivered. Hamper packing is easy and well organised, we just need people to make it happen! There are 2 dates planned for hamper wrapping, however some years we have been able to rock them all out in one evening - many hands make light work.
Thursday 28th November - 6.30pm
Tuesday 3rd December - 6.30pm
Hamper Delivery
Hamper delivery is the final step, and the most rewarding, seeing people’s faces when you deliver the large packed food hampers.
We need drivers, as well as strong passengers to help deliver the hampers. (The filled hampers are heavy to carry.)
Sign up with a partner or on your own (we will pair people up on the evening) and help make Christmas special for those we are delivering to.
Tuesday 10th December - 6.30pm
Thursday 12th December - 6.30pm