
Our Church has some amazing women with incredible testimonies and a story to tell of what God has done in their lives. We have covered such topics as the Bible as our guide, How to remain in His Peace (and eat cake), The meaning of Dignity, How to run the race, Stepping out and taking Risks (who can forget the dubious dance moves?),The compassion of Christ, Accessing the Throne Room of God, Being expectant for God to move, Fruits of the Spirit, Understanding God’s will, Moving into the unknown, Understanding Freedom..... And we have so much more to share with you!

Our heart is for the women of the Church to encourage each other with what God is teaching them, imparting faith and action.  It’s such a privilege to be a part of what God is doing here in this Church. It is also a great opportunity to bring friends from other churches or just to invite your girlfriends who would love a good breakfast/cake etc whilst being inspired by the unfolding stories. 

We are just a bunch of ordinary women who are open to God doing extra ordinary things through us. What is there not to like?

Love from the Breakfast Girls, 

Emma, Jo, Ellie, April and Deb xxxx

If you have been personally touched by any of the meetings and are prepared to write a few lines about your experience to add to this page then do let us know.

Also, if you would like to speak or give a short testimony in future meetings then just say. Be patient though- there’s quite a queue; which is wonderful!

Email debra@legge60.plus.com

Everywoman Retreat 2024

Afternoon Tea

“Great Expectations” - Saturday 20th April 2024

On Saturday just under 40 ladies feasted on cakes, scones and delicious sandwiches, followed by 2 great talks.

Maura gave a testimony on the faithfulness of God whilst waiting for a medical diagnosis and how God sustained her after her devastating house fire. It was inspiring and uplifting.

We then delved into the miracles of Jesus with Caroline, learning how persistence in prayer and a determination to be healed was met with a response from Jesus in the accounts of the Syrophoenician woman and the woman with constant bleeding.

We were reminded that God answers prayer and meets our needs in this time and we left with tummies and hearts full, ready for our next meeting!

Our next get together is for breakfast on Saturday 18th May @ 8.30am

Everywoman Retreat 2023