Carers Connected

Do you know a Carer?

"Carers Connected" is run by the Christian charity, Embracing Age, for informal carers looking after a loved one (usually a parent, partner or adult child).

It offers friendly zoom gatherings for mutual support and praying together.  All are welcome to join the one hour sessions, led by facilitators, which include time to chat and share experiences, a short reflection with a poem/song usually with a Christian theme, and time to pray for one another at the end. 

There’s also a Facebook group for carers to connect outside of the weekly zoom gatherings.

Carers value the opportunity Carers Connected provides to feel supported by others who understand, to share experiences with other carers and to pray for one another. 

It has been variously described by carers as ‘a lifesaver’, ‘the highlight of my week’, ‘a gently welcoming oasis’, ‘something just for me’.

For further information go to: 

or contact

Sarah, the Carers Connected Co-ordinator, via or 07964 895477.